Andrew and his weak sauce airsoft gun Part 2

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Author: AudreyDaDragonMaster
Keywords: Andrew and his weak sauce airsoft gun
Added: October 17, 2008
To be able to play this interesting, outdoor family game, all you need is a target, a blowgun and a few darts. These are easily available at various stores and replenishments to the stock are also easily available. So don't worry about the number of shots that you are missing or the number of darts that you lose as you practice with your family. Just keep at it and you shall soon become the star blow gun shooter.
The thrill that blowgun practice can provide you is fairly unparalleled and you can revisit your adventurous side.
Today the blowgun is used to sedate wild animals; something that animal protection agencies do to save, mark or conserve specific species. Herpetologists find it extremely useful to use a dart with strong sedatives to immobilize large reptiles like crocodiles and dangerous venomous snakes.
Blowgun Fun - Target Practice and Fun at the Same Time!
With the development of more sophisticated equipment, the blowgun is no longer used in its original form. The use of blowguns as weapons is almost obsolete. It is only used for hunting by some tribes in South America and Africa.
For the common man, the blowgun makes an extremely playful sport. It is a sport that can be enjoyed by the entire family and this allows the family to spend some quality time together. Unlike what many people think, getting adept at target practice using a blowgun is not too tough. All it takes is a few shots before you can start seeing the difference in your aim. Soon you shall be in a position to challenge anyone at a game of darts using the blowgun.
The blow guns being produced these days are precision instruments that can manufactured to the level of a 0.40 caliber gun. Some of the latest blowguns can cover a range of up to 200 feet and can emit darts up to the speed of 300 feet per second. With this kind of speed and force, it is no doubt that these sharp darts can penetrate plywood easily (let alone human skin!). This is the precise reason why a blow gun should not be considered a toy and should be monitored at all times. Children should only be allowed to use it under adult supervision and the instrument should not be left unattended at any time. If you have younger children and want to be extra careful, you could opt for paintballs instead of darts for practice too.
The blowgun, however, has been resurrected as a sporting instrument over time. The device itself has become more precise with materials like aluminum that is used to manufacture them. The popularity of blow guns comes from the fact that playing with a blowgun can be extremely entertaining.